Friday, June 29, 2007


In 2005, Jane Balogh signed her dog up to vote as an act of protest against a state voter-registration law she thought made it too easy for noncitizens to vote. On Thursday, she pleaded not guilty to making false statements on a voter registration form, the charge is punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. She wasn't going to contest to a misdemeanor, but changed her mind after officials stated that their system worked. Balogh disagrees, because Duncan, the dog, is still on the voting rolls.
So how did Balogh get Duncan registered? She put her phone bill in her dogs name, Duncan MacDonald, then used that as identification to register him to vote. She even submitted ballots in theee dog's name in September and November of 2006 and May 2007 elections, however she did mark them as "VOID" and didn't actually cast any vote on his behalf.

- So my question is.....if Duncan is still registered, will he be voting in the November election, and if so, who's he voting for?

To read the entire story, click the link below

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


So I just read this report commissioned by the Communications Workers of America that stated that the in the U.S. our high-speed internet access is slower than other industrialized nations.
Apparently the USA's median download speed is 1.97 megabits per second.....only a fraction of what some other industrialized countries are enjoying. In Japan the median download speed is 61 megabits per second, in South Korea its 45 megabits per second, in France its 17 megabits per second...and our neighbor to the north, Canada, enjoys 7 megabits per second. The article doesn't exactly outline a way to correct our slow speeds but it does state that "broadband speed is a function of network capacity. The more capacity you have, the more speed you can deliver."

- Honestly, I'm not really shocked at these findings. The USA seems to be falling farther and farther behind, while other nations pass us by. Pretty soon, Canada's going to own us....sometimes, well oftn...I think they'd do a better job than we are, lol.