Monday, May 28, 2007


Scientists in New Zealand are breeding a herd of cows that produce low-fat milk due to a natural gene mutation in one animal. The milk from these cows is also high in omega-3 fatty acids, butter made from the milk is so soft it spreads like margarine, even when chilled.
Scientists discovered the cow with the mutant gene while testing a dairy herd in 2001. Vialactia, one of the world's largest milk companies bought the cow for $218 USD and moved it to a research site. They discovered that the gene was dominant after offspring from the cow was shown to produce milk with the same fat content. This herd produces milk with 1% fat, while a regular cow produces milk with 3.5% fat content. The company expects to start selling a supply of milk and butter from these cows in 2011.

To read the whole story, click on the link below

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