Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Los Angeles - Edith Rodriquez, 43 collapsed and died in the emergency room of LA's Martin Luther King Jr. - Harbor Hospital in May. There were recorded 911 calls and video from the hospital's ER that proves that Rodriguez was suffering and no on offered to help. Everyone was on notice that she was there, lying in the fetal position and crying and no one helped her. The police officers on duty there were more interested in checking her out for a possible parole violation than making sure she got help. At 1:43 a.m. May 9th, Jose Prado, Rodriquez's boyfriend placed the first 911 call from a payphone outside of the's how it went.

911 OPERATOR: What's wrong with her?
PRADO: She's vomiting blood.
- then the operator questions Prado while the hospital officials are not helping
PRADO: They're watching her and they're not doing anything. Just watching her.

Rodriguez had visited the ER on 3 seperate occasions, to which she was released and given prescription pain killers. This time, she laid there on the ER floor for 45 minutes. 8 minutes after Prado placed his call, another concerned person not related to Rodriguez also called 911, stating that she was lying on the ground and was being overlooked. The operator asked the caller what she wanted the operator to do and informed the woman to contact the hospital personnel and telling her that they can't send an ambulance to the hospital. The operator stated, "I cannot do anything for you for the quality of the hospital there, this line is for emergency purposes only." To which the caller replied, "May God strike you too for acting the way you are, " the operator responded with "No, negative, ma'am. You're the one."

The coroner determined that Rodriquez died of a perforated bowel.

Last week this hospital received notice that they had 23 days to correct procedures or risk loosing certification. Federal inspectors declared that the patients at King-Harbor were in "immediate jeopardy" of harm or death.

To Read more, click the link below


Unknown said...

This, unfortunately, is the norm for So. Ca. Hospita;s and especially in Los Angeles County.

I believe criminal charges should be persued vigourously against both the hospital and the 911 operators. Callous disregard for a fellow humans suffering and ultimate death due to their ignorance and lack of integrity is the height of arrogance and these people do not belong in their positions where at least a compassionate response was expected and not given.

Shame,. Shame. This poor woman did not have to die! And there are many more we don't hear about.

President Bush, WTF are u doing up there in your ivory tower with that silver spoon? Get Real, we are struggling to survive and you're pushing amnesty? Get your prioties right before you lose the last bit of integrity we credit you with!

OK, rant done.

Peace! Bring our troops home, we can't win in a country that will never embrace democracy. We're in their Civil War, why???????

ELEANOR N.J. said...

sorry for your loss

ELEANOR N.J. said...

i was in mississippi at the time of your moms death i wacthed the news i saw you and your sister on there im so sorry your mom died that way because she could have saved for what she had. i work in the emergency room as a er tech .when i see someone who is really bad in the wating room i bring them right back to the er they hate me sometime but i dont care i know when someone is really sick they yell at me but i just keep walking i tell them go report me and ill report you for not doing your job right thats why they hate me but honey i wish i was working at that place when your mom was there she would be alive now.i pry for you and your family please dont let this go you fight all the way for your mom best of luck those basterds