Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Vegan Couple is Sentanced to Life for Starving their son.
Wednesday May 9th a vegan couple was sentanced to life for starving their 6 week old son to death. Apparently the child's diet largely consisted of soy milk and apple juice. At death the child only weighed 3 1/2 pounds. The child was born at home and the parents said they didn't realize the infant was in danger until minutes before he died.
I really don't know what to think of this. On one hand, I stand by their choice to be vegans. With my background in nutrition I know that this lifestyle can be maintained healthfully. I also assume that most people know that an infant cannot survive on soy milk and apple juice. They need formula or breast milk. I would think they would've opted to use breast milk, since it is the most natural form of nutrition for an infant. On breast milk, the child would've probably lived. I also assume that most people would know that your six-week old infant should not weigh 3 1/2 lbs. That's not even a normal birthweight!
Send me your thoughts!
Below is a link to the whole story.


Anonymous said...

1. People are stupid. (in general, of all kinds)
2. trying to make a baby a vegan is crazy. They are growing and quite frankly, leave the politics out of the child's health. Don't make a baby suffer/be malnutritioned b/c of a lifestyle decision made by adults... the child doesn't have a choice and unless you want to starve it... whoops. too late.
3. I wonder what the hell they will eat in prison... muhaha...

Grafted by Gods' Grace said...

hmmm...letting a baby starve to death is more than is simply evil.Even a preschooler knows that when something alive cries it needs food:ever watched a small child try to "feed" a small animal or bird, or had that child come to you with a sickly baby bird and ask you to "save it"? I have and I do not believe these people were totally ignorant of the little baby's misery.Babys cry frantically when theyre hungry or uncomfortable....I wonder how long this poor little one cried in terrible hunger...untill it went into shock!!!!
mother of 7